For Patients

ABJHI uses the best evidence available to develop innovative solutions to problems within the healthcare system and monitors the impacts of these innovations on the quality of care delivered to Albertans.

Patient Education Guide

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Over 3,000 hip fractures related to osteoporosis occur annually in Alberta. Osteoporosis can lead to breakage of any bone. Hip fractures are the most serious, oftentimes fatal, if left untreated. Moving Alberta to the forefront of hip fracture prevention and surgical care is important as the population increases and ages.

Our innovative platform, MAP to MOTION, is a two-way information hub integrating patient-reported data and health records.
MAP to MOTION promotes shared decision making and empowers patients, improving their healthcare experience.

Share Your Story


At ABJHI, we are dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals by addressing key health issues and implementing evidence-based solutions. Our approach encompasses innovative strategies to improve health quality in specific patient populations, address disparities in healthcare delivery, and establish cross-cutting improvement programs.


New Information Within Our Reach. New Standards Within Yours.

Our work involves engaging stakeholders in defining and adopting best practices – whether through small adjustments to workflows or grander redesign of care models. We’re here to help search out the latest evidence, provide recommendations, and devise and evaluate new health care services or care practices.

What We Do Together

One of our greatest strengths is our ability to bring together the clinicians, managers, policymakers, and researchers whose collaboration is necessary to bring about improvement and efficiency.

Our work is supported by partnerships with Alberta Health Services, universities, medical and health practitioners, researchers, non-profits, educators, government, and private donors.