Annual Reports

With your support, we’re bringing a greater understanding of hospital, community, and home health into the picture.

Annual Reports

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Behind the Numbers

Thanks to the hard work and generosity of so many, a greater understanding of hospital, community, and home health is now in the picture.


Rethinking Health Data

We provided evidence-based tools and analytics that support patients, clinicians, and health administrators with making health decisions around osteoarthritis and hip fracture care.


Celebrating Growth

With your support, we leveraged data analytics in innovative ways and enhanced patient education and integration of care for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

You’re Improving the Lives of Albertans

We’re grateful to have a community that believes, as we do, in the need for innovative solutions related to bone and joint health. The scope of these solutions is growing.

We’re continuing our work in finding common ground in an open atmosphere that welcomes opinion and encourages collaboration. Thanks to the continued support and engagement from our donors and partners the impact is set to be greater than ever.

Impact Reports

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Year in Review

The Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network in collaboration with the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute.


The Impact of Dr. Cy Frank

We cannot speak about the impact of ABJHI on patient care without in the same breath recognizing the impact of Dr. Cy Frank on ABJHI.


Closing the Gap

Closing the gap between what we learn and what we do in bone and Joint health care is more than an occupation for the people at the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute. It is our daily mission.

Donate Now

Help Empower Change

Every day 4.3 million Albertans are moving and being active as they go about their days. That’s 4.3 million people managing their bone and joint health daily. With your help, we can prioritize research, learning, and innovation of bone and joint health.
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